Budgets, Levies, & Debt
And the spending continues....
by Robert McQuillan
September 4, 2014
Well, the Geneva School Board just unanimously passed a $100.3 Million Dollar Budget!
Watch the August 25, 2014 school board meeting video http://www.geneva304.org/MeetingVideos.aspx and listen to the discussion of board members throughout the meeting. The board complains about unfunded mandates but just started all-day kindergarten which is not mandated? In doing so, they took the Five Year-Old Preschool program away from the Geneva Park District!
The Park District made $79,000 in profit on that program and even paid rent to the school district for use of their facilities. So now, taxpayers will be burdened with additional costs of over $600,000 for all-day kindergarten and our Park District will lose $79,000 of profit.
Remember, all-day kindergarten is NOT state mandated! Our elected school board members continue to increase the budget every year. Perhaps that is what is considered a Tradition of Excellence?
Be sure to continue to watch school board meeting videos or attend a meeting or so. Next April, two school board positions will be on the ballot and you will want to be aware of which school board members best represent your interests as a taxpayer.