Geneva School Board Meeting - October 9th, 2012
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Topic Short-Cuts: -- Please Select -- 1. CALL TO ORDER- Roll call, Welcome, PLedge, Reminder to sign attendance record 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS, (Mark Grosso) Misinformation about contract and the board will not be influenced by any party. Federal Mediator is involved. ---2. 1. (Maggie Villwock) Started masters fegree for lane advancement per old contract. Broken contract. ---2. 2. (Nancy Krasinski) Geneva schools are not average. ---2. 3. (Jason Flaks) Difficult to fill empty teaching positions. Geneva is getting top quality for cheap. ---2. 4. (Jordan Brewner) Should not criticize others unless you have experienced the same. ---2. 5. (Laurie Reattoir) Story about raising private funds for school project. Happy to struggle to pay teachers more. ---2. 6. (Mary Keyzer) Misconceptions on pay and stipends. ---2. 7. (Mark Grosso) Clarifying extra curricular duties. ---2. 8. (Diane Chapman) Teachers involved in community. Live and work here. ---2. 9. (Amy Hamilton) Parent present to support teachers. ---2. 10. (Therese Davison) Parent present to support teachers. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Regular Session/Executive Session September 24, 2012 4. RECOGNITION, AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, PUBLIC HEARINGS ---4. 1. Red Ribbon Week Activities ---4. 1. 1. GHS Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) ---4. 1. 1. 1. Lisa Gillette, GHS SADD Advisor ---4. 1. 1. 2. Presenter: Shelby Porter & Myranda Johnson ---4. 1. 2. Geneva Coalition for Youth ---4. 1. 2. 1. Presenter: Julie Pouilly ---4. 2. Student Services Report ---4. 2. 1. Presenter: Jerel Waide, Director Student Services 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT 6. BOARD DIALOGUE TOPICS & PENDING ACTION CONSIDERATIONS ---6. 1. Resolution in Support of Red Ribbon Week ---6. 2. Geneva High School Program of Study 2013-2014 7. WORK-STUDY TOPICS & FUTURE ACTION CONSIDERATIONS - none 8. INFORMATION ---8. 1. FOIA Requests/Responses 9. CONSENT AGENDA ---9. 1. Personnel Report: Resignations, Retirements, Leave Requests, Changes in Assignment/FTE, New Hires ---9. 2. Illinois State Board of Education Application for Recognition 2012-2013 10. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ON BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTION ---10. 1. (Steve Young) Speaking on Tradition of Excellence. ---10. 2. (Debbie Hanson) Why is taking a pay freeze a sign of disrespect? Support Staff and Administration have. ---10. 3. (Nan Waterstreet) Negative discourse surrounding teachers. ---10. 4. (Barry Bourdage) It's about money, not about respect or the kids. ---10. 5. (George Jackowiec) Debt will impact all of us. ---10. 6. (Heidi Roed) Juggling budget and talking about moving. Can't afford Geneva. ---10. 7. (Bridget Buckman) Compensate teachers for experience. ---10. 8. (Bob McQuillan) We are not in a surplus situation, debt repayment will increase dramatically. ---10. 9. (Doug Benjamin) Think out of the box on negotiations. 11. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS 12. NOTICES / ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION 14. ACTION POSSIBLE FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT
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