Geneva School Board Meeting - April 8th, 2013
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Topic Short-Cuts:-- Please Select -- 1. CALL TO ORDER- Roll call, Welcome, PLedge, Reminder to sign attendance record 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ---2. 1. (Bill Scown) Researched K12 and is against them in District 304. ---2. 2. (Jean Pierce, Representing The League of Women Voters) Opposed to K12 Virtual School. ---2. 3. (Heather Anderson) Not happy about boundary adjustments. ---2. 4. (Michelle Burqualdt) Not happy about boundary adjustments. ---2. 5. (Kelly Trejo) Not happy about boundary adjustments. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Regular Session/Executive Session March 11, 2013. 4. RECOGNITION, AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, PUBLIC HEARINGS ---4. 1. Tradition of Excellence Awards: GHS DECA Competition State Qualifiers/International Qualifiers ---4. 2. Kiara Zurow, GHS Sophomore, Solar Panels at Geneva High School ---4. 3. Geneva High School NAVIANCE Presentation ---4. 4. Illinois Virtual Charter School @ Fox River Valley, Virtual Learning Solutions Charter School Application ---4. 5. 2013 Bright Red Apple Award, School Search ---4. 6. Association of School Business Officials International Meritorious Budget Award 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT 6. BOARD DIALOGUE TOPICS & PENDING ACTION CONSIDERATIONS ---6. 1. Policy Updates Second Reading: ---6. 1. 1. Policy 4162, Drug & Alcohol Testing of CDL License Holders, Revised ---6. 1. 2. Policy 6550, Travel Payment & Reimbursement, New ---6. 1. 3. Policy 6800, System of Accounting, Revised ---6. 1. 4. Bylaw 0142.7, Orientation, Revised ---6. 1. 5. Bylaw 0155, Committees, Revised ---6. 2. Annual Resolution for Non-renewal: 2012-2013 Full-time Certified Teachers 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year ---6. 3. Five-Year Capital Plan: Progress/Future Planning ---6. 4. Sale of Approximately 28 Acres Owned by Geneva C.U.S.D. 304 ---6. 5. Resolution Re: Illinois Virtual Charter School @ Fox River Valley Charter School Proposal Submitted by Virtual Learning Solutions 7. WORK-STUDY TOPICS & FUTURE ACTION CONSIDERATIONS ---7. 1. Personnel Reorganization/Job Description Updates 8. INFORMATION ---8. 1. FOIA Requests & Responses ---8. 2. Geneva High School DECA Club Out-of-State Trip ---8. 3. 2013 IASB Mandatory Board Member Training Workshops Spring/Summer Schedule ---8. 4. 2013 Geneva Middle School Summer Programming ---8. 5. Coultrap Demolition Timeline 9. CONSENT AGENDA ---9. 1. Monthly Financial Reports and Interfund Transfers ---9. 2. Personnel Report: Resignations, Retirements, Leave Requests, Changes in Assignment/FTE, New Hires ---9. 3. Gifts, Grants, Bequests: $500, Heartland Elementary School Parent Donation for Literacy Closet Books; $4,313.61, Harrison Street Elementary School PTO Wish List ---9. 4. Emergency Replacement/Installation, Geneva Middle School South, 1500 Gallon Water Heater, $28,600, Dennis Curtis Boiler Service 10. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ON BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTION-none 11. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS 12. NOTICES / ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION 14. ACTION POSSIBLE FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT
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