Geneva School Board Meeting - April 23rd, 2012
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Topic Short-Cuts: -- Please Select -- 1. CALL TO ORDER- Roll call, Welcome, Pledge, Reminder to sign attendance sheet (:23) 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Regular Session/Executive Session April 9, 2012 (1:33) 3. RECOGNITION, AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, PUBLIC HEARINGS (2:33) ---3.1. Tradition of Excellence Award: Student Recognition, Geneva High School WYSE Team - Doug Drexler (2:45) ---3.2. Ill. Assn of School Business Officials Certif. of Achievement: Facility Mgmt Designation Program-John Robinson & Scott Ney (5:43) ---3.3. Success for All Students - Heartland School Improvement Update-Principal, Adam Law (8:43) 4. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT (28:58) 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS (31:42) 6. BOARD DIALOGUE TOPICS & PENDING ACTION CONSIDERATIONS (31:58) ---6.1. Board Policy Updates: Policy 6110, 6231, 6610, 6620, 6680-Dr. Mutchler/Mary Stith (31:53) ---6.2. Resolution for Dismissal: Educational Support Staff-Dr. Mutchler/Craig Collins (32:50) ---6.3. GHS Out-of-Country Trip Proposal: France, Summer 2012 (34:41) ---6.4. Authorization to Let Bids: Geneva High School Auditorium Seating & Carpeting Replacement ($210,000)-Dr. Mutchler/Donna Oberg (35:49) --------------Question on type of auditorium seats-Matt Henry 7. WORK-STUDY TOPICS & FUTURE ACTION CONSIDERATIONS (43:43) ---7.1. 2012-2013 School Board Meeting Calendar Draft-Dr. Mutchler (43:46) 8. INFORMATION (45:46) ---8.1. FOIA Requests/Responses 9. CONSENT AGENDA (45:55) ---9.1. Monthly Financial Reports and Interfund Transfers-Mary Stith ---9.2. Personnel Report: Resignations, Retirements, Leave Requests, Changes in Assignment/FTE, New Hires (46:14) ---9.3. Acceptance of Gifts, Grants & Bequests, GHS Varsity Softball Field Windscreens, $3,500, Geneva Foxes Softball Org.(47:28) ---9.4. Technology Purchase: 5-year Capital Outlay Plan, GHS Computer Replacement, $31,990.00, IL State Contract Pricing, Heartland Bus. Sys.(47:44) 10. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ON BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTION (48:17) ---10.1. Technology purchases and 2007 referendum enrollment projection issue-Barry Bourdage (48:35) 11. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS (51:11) ---11.1. Matt Henry comments on Mary Bencini (51:20) ---11.2. Mary Stith comments on health initiatives/boosters meeting/poetry/capacity of buildings/busing proposal (52:30) ---11.3. Kelly Nowak comments on busing issue (55:18) ---11.4. Bill Wilson-Finance Committee meeting-MB Financial (56:10) ---11.5. Mark Grosso explanation of reason for inaccurate 2007 referendum enrollment projection issue (57:28) ---------Requests from audience to reopen public comments/denial (61:38) 12. NOTICES / ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION (62:53) 14. ACTION POSSIBLE FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION (63:00) 15. ADJOURNMENT (63:24)
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