Geneva School Board Meeting - July 23rd, 2012
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Topic Short-Cuts: -- Please Select -- 1. CALL TO ORDER- Roll call, Welcome, Pledge, Reminder to sign attendance sheet 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ---2.1. (Laura L.) Doesn't want children split up from siblings or peers. Two schools inconvenient. Wants kids to be phenomenol, not just fine. ---2.2. (Noel Rooks) Against busing children from their home school. All Geneva schools fantastic. Approve MillCreek teachers/aides when appropriate. ---2.3. (Kenosha Ferguson) Has child with IEP, does not want them uprooted. Why not leave 2nd grade teachers where they are? ---2.4. (Sarah Connolley) How can I volunteer at 2 separate schools if children separated? What if scout pack is split? ---2.5. (Lisa Bova) Thank you to board for all the work they do. ---2.6. (Chris Nibbard) Need clear threshhold guidelines and better timelines in notifying parents of changes. Better long-term approach. ---2.7. (Sherri Ferguson) Impact of numbers in a classroom. Teacher perspective.Can't deliver IEP to 29 students. ---2.8. (Stacy Salzman) Additional teacher for 2nd grade is a solution while addressing rezoning. Misconception from last meeting. ---2.9. (Robert Danek) Williamsburg parent-hopes for quick solution before school year starts. ---2.10. (Mark Grosso-President) Windup comments. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ---3.1. Regular Session, June 25, 2012 ---3.2. Executive Session, June 25, 2012 ---3.3. Special Session, July 9, 2012 ---3.4. Executive Session, July 9, 2012 4. RECOGNITION, AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, PUBLIC HEARINGS, BOARD REORGANIZATION ---4.1. (Dr. Mutchler and Donna Oberg) 2012-2013 Preliminary Education Fund Budget ---4.1.a. Questions from Board on budget. ---4.1.b. (Mark Grosso) Why decrease in paper usage? Ms. Oberg said costs over last 4 yrs reduced from $92K to $45K. ---4.1.c. (Matt Henry) HMO vs PPO? Increase of 9.4% in PPO? No deductible with HMO. PPO-two deductible choices. Pass on costs? ---4.1.d. (Tim Moran) Any contingency if State passes on pension costs to local school districts? Answer was "no". ---4.1.e. (Mary Stith) Emphasize that we are trying to take reserves down. Abatement money may have to be used to pay for pension costs. ---4.1.f. (Donna Oberg) Overall budget is at 94.67% of previous year-$6M under budget. State now owes us $1.2M. 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT ----- New evaluation system modules. ----- No updates on Common Core Curriculum. ----- Finalizing new Goals booklet. ----- Finishing turf field and seating replacement in auditorium. 6. BOARD DIALOGUE TOPICS & PENDING ACTION CONSIDERATIONS ---6.1. Additional 2nd Grade Section Mill Creek School & .2 FTE Math Geneva High School ----- (Matt Henry) Boundary study needed. ----- (Craig Collins) Requesting authorization to start search process if additional teacher required. ----- Motion to approve 6.1. ---6.2. Support Staff Dismissal and Rehiring: Special Education Assistants & Part-time GHS Security Supervisor 7. WORK-STUDY TOPICS & FUTURE ACTION CONSIDERATIONS (NONE) 8. INFORMATION (None?) ---8.1. FOIA Requests & Responses 9. CONSENT AGENDA ---9.1. Monthly Financial Reports & Interfund Transfers ---9.2. Personnel Report: Resignations, Retirements, Leave Requests, Changes in Assignment/FTE, New Hires ---9.3. Banking Services, MB Financial Bank ---9.4. Acceptance of Gifts, Grants & Bequests: $5,800 Harrison PTO; $6,126.11, Western Avenue PTO ---9.5. Bid Summary/Award 10. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ON BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTION ---10.1. (Laura L.) If new teacher hired on August 14, they only have 8 days to prepare lesson plan? ----- (Craig Collins) Response to 10.1. ---10.2. (Kenosha Ferguson)Are current numbers enough to approve new teacher, will they go down/up? When will children know their teacher? ----- (Craig Collins) Response to 10.2. ---10.3. (Noel Rooks) What proactive moves have been made knowing this was going to be a problem? Decision should have been made in April. ----- (Craig Collins) Response to 10.3. ---10.4. (Chris Nibbard) Need to provide baselines. ----- (Mark Grosso) Response to 10.4. ---10.5. (Heidi S.) What is minimum recommendation for 2nd grade class. ----- (Craig Collins & Kelly Nowak) Response to 10.5. ---10.6. (Lisa Anderson) If numbers go down, can an aide be added? ----- (Craig Collins) Response to 10.6. ---10.7. (Sarah Connolley) Are we keeping all Mill Creek students at Mill Creek? ---10.8. (Cindy ?) Doesn't understand why not taking advice of administration? What are we waiting for? ----- (Mark Grosso, Craig Collins, Kelly Nowak) Response to 10.8. Approved adding new section to Mill Creek. Teacher will not be hired until August. ---10.9. (Heather M.) What is process in receiving teacher communication? ----- (Craig Collins) Response to 10.9. ---10.10. (Laura Novak) Number of sections and when children are placed. ----- (Craig Collins) Response to 10.10. ---10.11. (Robert Danek) Is board confident that there is enough time to interview and hire the additional teacher? ----- (Craig Collins) Response to 10.11. ---10.12. (Bob McQuillan) Consider three suggestions regarding budget/tax levy increase. When will budget be posted for public review?( ---10.13. (Jim Cullen) Has 17% increase in property tax over last 5 years, decrease of 25% in property value, etc. Compared to other district funds. 11. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS ---11.1. (Mary Stith) Policy Committe status. ---11.2. (Mark Grosso) Update on Coultrap School. Modified time deadline-more info due. ---11.3. (Mark Grosso) Recommends adding two community members to Finance Committee. 12. NOTICES/ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION... 14. ACTION POSSIBLE FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT
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