Geneva School Board Meeting - September 24th, 2012
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Topic Short-Cuts: -- Please Select -- 1. CALL TO ORDER- Roll call, Welcome, PLedge, Reminder to sign attendance record 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS, (Kelly Nowak) Not Us and Them. We are one community. ---2. 1. (Mary Jean Bankman) Consideration on both sides. ---2. 2. (Amy Gibson) Share experiences with Geneva schools. ---2. 3. (Dan Riner) Incentive pay for job well done. Take a critical look at current pay structure. ---2. 4. (Roxanne Curtis) Dealt a slap in the face. ---2. 5. (Bob Grant) Concerned about rising taxes. ---2. 6. (Debra Jongebloed) Collaborative process. ---2. 7. (Doug Benjamin) Settle contract fairly. ---2. 8. (Bob McQuillan) Rhetoric and salaries. ---2. 9. (Jenny Scott) Standing up for Teachers. ---2. 10. (Kelly Nowak) Clarifying contract negotiations. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES- Special Session September 8, 2012, Regular Session/Executive Session September 10, 2012 4. RECOGNITION, AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS, PUBLIC HEARINGS - none ---4. 1. 2012-2013 Budget Hearing ---4. 1. 1. Public Hearing Agenda ---4. 1. 2. 2012-2013 Budget (Donna Oberg) ---4. 1. 3. Questions/Comments from Board Members ---4. 1. 4. Questions/Comments from Audience Members ---4. 1. 4. 1. (Julie Kratochvil) Bussing cost question. ---4. 1. 4. 2. (Barry Bourdage) Have to have reductions in the budget. Have to live within our means. ---4. 1. 4. 3. (Doug Benjamin) What are the size of reserves as a percent of budget. What percent of budget is salaries. ---4. 1. 4. 4. (Bob McQuillan) Why are there so many HVAC expenditures. Bussing cost concern. ---4. 1. 4. 5. (Dan Riner) Contingency budget if things do not go as planned. Revenue shortfalls. Debt concern. ---4. 1. 4. 6. (Mary Stith) Comments on bussing program and HVAC. ---4. 1. 4. 7. (Ron Stevenson) Enrollment this year versus last year. What effect will budget have on property taxes. ---4. 1. 4. 8. (Win Church) What is the breakdown of salary and benefits. ---4. 1. 5. President Closes Hearing ---4. 2. 2012-2013 Budget Adoption 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT 6. BOARD DIALOGUE TOPICS & PENDING ACTION CONSIDERATIONS - none ---6. 1. Board Policy Updates: Second Reading/Adoption ---6. 1. 1. 2432, Driver Education, Amended ---6. 1. 2. 2464, Program for Academically Talented Students, Amended ---6. 1. 3. 2510, Adoption of Textbooks, Amended ---6. 1. 4. 2521, Selection of Instructional Materials and Equipment, Amended ---6. 1. 5. 7540.03, Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety, Amended ---6. 1. 6. 7540.04, Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety, Amended ---6. 1. 7. 8315, Information Management, New 7. WORK-STUDY TOPICS & FUTURE ACTION CONSIDERATIONS ---7. 1. Geneva High School Program of Study Proposals 8. INFORMATION ---8. 1. FOIA Requests/Responses ---8. 2. Suspension Report 9. CONSENT AGENDA ---9. 1. Monthly Financial Reports & Interfund Transfers ---9. 2. Personnel Report: Resignations, Retirements, Leave Requests, Changes in Assignment/FTE, New Hires ---9. 3. Revised 2012-2013 School Board Meeting Calendar ---9. 4. 2012 Administrator & Teacher Compensation Report ---9. 5. Disposition of Executive Session Minutes January through June 2012 ---9. 6. Disposition of Verbatim Record of Closed Meetings January through December 2010 10. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ON BOARD OF EDUCATION ACTION 11. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS 12. NOTICES / ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION 14. ACTION POSSIBLE FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION 15. ADJOURNMENT
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