Geneva Tax FACTS Community Town Hall Meeting -June 4th, 2012
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You may wish to review the actual presentation file while listening to Bob McQuillan's audio during the first 45 minutes.
Topic Short-Cuts:-- Please Select -- 1. INTRODUCTION-Bob McQuillan ---1.1. Background of Geneva Tax FACTS ---1.2. Slideshow presentation on School District Spending and Debt Overview (slideshow available on 2. Question from public ground rules. 3. Bruno Behrends, Director, Center for Transformation of Education, Heartland Institute 4. Questions from public ---4.1 Can we ask the school board to revisit taking more of a slice out of the reserves? ---4.2 Questions about our bonds and have they tried to renegotiate some of them? ---4.3 Concerns about the school board, auditorium seating purchase ---4.4 What is debt to EAV now? ---4.5 Upset with property taxes increasing in last 15 years. What do we do to stop tax increases? ---4.6 Jim Bishop-from McHenry school district, was on school board, tax rate determination, ask for the max in tax levy ---4.7 Question about understanding a tax bill, who votes on the levy and questions about school board ---4.8 Bruno Behrends-need changes by state reps in Springfield, make PTEL law much stronger ---4.9 Comments about school board members as volunteers and their oath of office ---4.10 Questions of Bruno Behrends by Kate Botche, awards to Geneva School District, focus on State, housing bubble ---4.11 Response to comments by Bruno Behrends to Kate Botche ---4.12 Comment on school awards, Bright Red Apple award ---4.13 Hold Superintendent accountable. St. Charles had a tax freeze? Support staff compensation. ---4.14 Expense reductions will take its toll on the school district. Closing of Western Avenue School? What's on the table? ---4.15 School board members are volunteers. Tone down pressure from TaxFACTS. ---4.16 Why don't we put teachers on Social Security? ---4.17 Number of people paying for private tutors on top of a "good" school. ---4.18 Do the school board members determine the tax rate, how does it work? Explanation. ---4.19 As the school board provides benefits, are they doing students a favor by condemming them to a lifetime of financial hardship? ---4.20 Term of board members? ---4.21 Lower tax rate=lower budget. Saving if rollback to 2007 budget. 1-yr teacher contract. No required to negotiate in Executive session. ---4.22 Clinics available for taxing questions. Bond expert. Spend time in Springfield? ---4.23 Does school board discuss line items? ---4.24 Largest expense is personnel. Most of our expenses are fixed. Cutting expenses means we will need to cut staff. ---4.25 We've all had to make adjustments and cuts. Community needs to provide pressure to encourage board to reduce spending ---4.26 What's upsetting you about your high taxes? Wrap up. ---4.27 How are the state and federal mandates restraining us? ---4.28 Ask retired board members to speak up. ---4.29 Learn more about pensions. ---4.30 Do we need new buses? ---4.31 Board should be more transparent. President of school board, Mark Grosso, was here tonight. ---4.32 They have recliners and sofas and TV's ---4.33 Salaries?Background of Geneva Tax FACTS ---4.34 Every cost needs to be perused. ---4.35 Background of Geneva Tax FACTS ---4.36 Is technology being used. ---4.37 Do teachers know the technology? ---4.38 Are we utilizing our classrooms, managing resources? ---4.39 If you want your voice to be heard, attend board meetings. ---4.40 Put awards and non business items at end of board meeetings. ---4.41 Previous history of electing school board members.We have great demographics that is not tied to dollars. Elect the right people. ---4.42 Focus on using reserves. 5.ADJOURNMENT
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